Buddy Biancalana, former MLB player, presents...
Have you ever wondered why sometimes you play well and sometimes you don't, despite knowing what you need to do?
Buddy Biancalana on the Zone Experience
In the World Series, as the Royals shortstop, I played the best baseball of my career. I had a zone experience in which everything slowed down, I wasn't thinking and my motion was fluid and effortless with excellent timing. My life since that time has been committed to discovering what happened in my mind in that Series, and more importantly, how to teach athletes and executives how to have that experience on a regular basis versus hoping it occurs by chance. I am passionate about helping others be their best by accessing the zone through my science backed training.
Schedule a short call to discuss how I can be of help to you.
Any athlete, when playing their best, describes the experience as 'everything slowing down, not thinking and with fluid, effortless motion and perfect timing.' When an athlete is in the Zone, studies show that their Pre Frontal Cortex is quiet, allowing the Basal Ganglia and Cerebellum uninterrupted access to sensory input and resulting in efficient, effective motion known as "the zone." It allows for physics based mechanics to integrate. It is not a substitute for mechanical training.
Independent studies and research have shown the following benefits of Zone Motion:
6. Average maximum heart rate reduction of 13.09% for hitters & 11.97% for pitchers.
My 17 years of teaching Zone Motion, plus research and independent studies, have proven that the Zone can be taught, resulting in quantum levels of performance improvement and expedited player development which has never been more important. I have taught the Zone to athletes in 13 professional and 20+amateur sports.
Buddy works directly with professional and amateur athletes in one-on-one or group settings in person or remotely in a wide range of sports from Supercross to Baseball. He is available to speak to your group. He has been a guest speaker at The Sports, Energy & Consciousness Festival, the Mindfulness Leadership Summit, The Taft School, the Society for Information Management and the Kansas Sports Officials Association. You may schedule a call here or email below.
I offer a short initial complimentary Zoom or FaceTime consultation to help you determine if Zone Motion Training is right for you.